Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Park Life

I had a chance to go to Saltwell Park, Gateshead, yesterday for a few hours.  I've known this park for most of my life, I've seen so many changes to this Victorian space, and it was nice to go back when it was fairly quiet.

I've never liked the park when it's busy, the best times are when it's quiet.  Yesterday was very cold, so not many people around - ideal if you have a camera.

The light wasn't great to be honest, and anything that I wanted to photograph just seemed to come out flat.  I did get a few photos though and a chance to try a few new techniques.

This is the centre of the band stand. The only thing occupying this space yesterday was a bunch of wood pigeons !

There seems to be a few new sculptures dotted around the park, and this reflective sculpture resulted in a few distorted pics of me. I always seem to squint when I focus !

I'm not known for my bird photography, by any stretch of imagination ! I prefer photos of birds that seem almost retro, I prefer grainy images, almost dreamlike. I have tried to create a dream-like affect on these two...I like to evoke the feeling of freedom and motion.

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