Friday, 22 March 2013

Blurred Crusade

People talk about photography "projects" - themes of things that they take e.g photos of shadows, reflections, people with umbrellas etc

I went to a talk by Will Cheung not that long ago and he had quite a few different themes in his work. The main one was people using mobile phones and iPads.

I don't consider myself that type of photographer, however, I do seem to be unconsciously taking pics of blurred people ! For some reason, I prefer not to see their faces in focus, I think it gives it a bit of mystery.

These are all in a set on my Flickr site...I seem to be stacking up a bit of a collection.

Here some examples : these three photos were taken at the Central Arcade in Newcastle just outside the music shop Windows. 

Having said that, by blurred crusade pics aren't just of people - here are some bikes near the Theatre Royal.

This next shot isn't blurred, but can you nearly see four gulls ?

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