Wednesday, 29 May 2013

A Trip to South Shields

Hello All

Last week I went out to South Shields for the day with my friend Chris from the Camera Club.

It was a bit of a funny time for me...just found out that my work is undergoing yet another
re-structure, which means I have to re-apply for my job.

So, a trip out was just what the doctor ordered, and even better, I took my Kodak Brownie out on it's first outing.  Still have yet to get the negatives developed, so fingers crossed they come out OK !  I even tried a deliberate double-exposure !

I also took my little ol' Olympus SLR out with me.  South Shields was very very quiet and the weather was a bit dull.  Having said that, it was good that it was so quiet as it gave me a chance to practice some camera techniques without feeling too self-conscious.

This was a practice of water shots - I haven't really had much experience of capturing waves, but I don't think I did too bad a job on this one.

We then moved onto the fairground - apart from a few people, it was totally empty.  I did spot these women trying to keep warm - typical British Summer !

It's amazing what catches your eye !

Being empty, it gave us the opportunity to get shots we wouldn't normally get :

This is part of a face advertising the Ghost Train 

Moving away from the fairground, I asked Chris if he wouldn't mind blowing a few dandelions so I could capture the seeds flying in the wind.  God knows how many attempts we had before I got this shot !

We also spotted masses of snails on the walls of an old building,,,,

Walking back to the car park, I couldn't resist taking a photo of this stained knackered air vent....

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