Wednesday, 29 May 2013

A Trip to South Shields

Hello All

Last week I went out to South Shields for the day with my friend Chris from the Camera Club.

It was a bit of a funny time for me...just found out that my work is undergoing yet another
re-structure, which means I have to re-apply for my job.

So, a trip out was just what the doctor ordered, and even better, I took my Kodak Brownie out on it's first outing.  Still have yet to get the negatives developed, so fingers crossed they come out OK !  I even tried a deliberate double-exposure !

I also took my little ol' Olympus SLR out with me.  South Shields was very very quiet and the weather was a bit dull.  Having said that, it was good that it was so quiet as it gave me a chance to practice some camera techniques without feeling too self-conscious.

This was a practice of water shots - I haven't really had much experience of capturing waves, but I don't think I did too bad a job on this one.

We then moved onto the fairground - apart from a few people, it was totally empty.  I did spot these women trying to keep warm - typical British Summer !

It's amazing what catches your eye !

Being empty, it gave us the opportunity to get shots we wouldn't normally get :

This is part of a face advertising the Ghost Train 

Moving away from the fairground, I asked Chris if he wouldn't mind blowing a few dandelions so I could capture the seeds flying in the wind.  God knows how many attempts we had before I got this shot !

We also spotted masses of snails on the walls of an old building,,,,

Walking back to the car park, I couldn't resist taking a photo of this stained knackered air vent....

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Streetley Pier, Hartlepool

Hi All

On Tuesday, a couple of friends from Consett Photographic Society invited me out for the day to go to Hartlepool.

I've never been to Hartlepool, so I jumped at the chance.  You're probably thinking why ?  Well, I wanted to go and see the old pier at Streetley.

I've seen loads of photos of it, wanted to go and see it for ages....

The weather was great - nice and sunny.  It was great spending time on the beach.

Here's some pics of the pier :

I like this one - I haven't done anything to it - came out like this in the camera so was really pleased.  The only thing I don't like is the slant of the waterline - but I don't know how to straighten this in Photoshop yet.  One of the many techniques I have to learn !

I love wood in black and white...I like the grittiness of it.  Here's a section of the pier.

Here's a shot of the underneath of the pier.  I tried something on Photoshop on this shot.  I changed the sky in the corner, it was extremely light so changed it using selection tools.  I know it' not perfect, but I'm still learning :)

Some of you may know that I always like to take some shots of patterns or textures.  Here's a lovely pattern made by the sand.

I have a lot of other shots to look through, so will be posting some more on the blog and of course, you all know about my Flickr site !

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Practice, Practice, Practice

Hey Folks

You know I'm not into the technical side of things when it comes to photography but I've decided that to get better, I do need to start to practice a few things.

The first thing I've decided to do is if I am not "out and about" on a Tuesday, then I will use the time effectively and start to practice one technique each Tuesday. It may be something in camera, but it also can be using Photoshop.

I've never really found this software easy to use, and must admit I tend to "switch off" really quickly anything to do with this package BUT no more - I have to practice !  So, today I started on the technique of dodging and burning.  Even the names get me mixed up !

Dodging is used to extract detail from darkest shadows. 
Burning is used to darken any overexposed areas.

I've included this explanation so it can re-enforce in my mind - as I keep getting them mixed up.  No hope, I hear you cry !

So, here is my very first attempt. Not great I know, but it's a start.  Could be a little too subtle, but then I think the dodge and burn tools have to be used in a gentle way anyway...I actually found this difficult   

Not sure whether this is the best example to use either, but as I said, it's a start 

This is the original photo.

This is the photo that has dodging and burning on.  

Background seems a bit lighter plus the wood seems less blown out and a tiny bit more detail can be seen.  

So, need to practice this technique more, I can't just assume I know how to do it after just one go !

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Ambling around Amble

Hi Folks

Here are few pics I took recently on a trip to Amble, starting with gulls !

The rest of the day was spent walking around the beach - it's amazing how much crap you can find :

 A message for the police force ?

After that, some harbour and boat shots :