Friday, 22 March 2013

Blurred Crusade

People talk about photography "projects" - themes of things that they take e.g photos of shadows, reflections, people with umbrellas etc

I went to a talk by Will Cheung not that long ago and he had quite a few different themes in his work. The main one was people using mobile phones and iPads.

I don't consider myself that type of photographer, however, I do seem to be unconsciously taking pics of blurred people ! For some reason, I prefer not to see their faces in focus, I think it gives it a bit of mystery.

These are all in a set on my Flickr site...I seem to be stacking up a bit of a collection.

Here some examples : these three photos were taken at the Central Arcade in Newcastle just outside the music shop Windows. 

Having said that, by blurred crusade pics aren't just of people - here are some bikes near the Theatre Royal.

This next shot isn't blurred, but can you nearly see four gulls ?

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Street !

Hello All

I don't usually tend to take photos of people without them being deliberately blurred....but I though I would post a few up where you can actually see what's going on !

These shots are from Newcastle - it's a great place to get some practice of candid street shots.

This guy was in a jazz band with a bunch of his friends.  They were playing jazz at Monument Metro - and I really think he looks cool !

He had a really good look - love the steam-punk goggles.

They were playing Madness covers plus other jazz standards...possibly music students getting a bit of performance practice.

Here are the rest of the band.....

This young girl was the most photogenic ....

This guy was sitting at the Monument trying to look "cool".  He actually spotted me with the camera and turned his head so I could take a shot of him.

It looks like a candid...but he wanted to get his picture taken !

Overall, it was good to get a bit more experience in people shots - something I am not too comfortable in doing but I am getting a bit better !

Lack of time...a rant !

It's been over a week since I posted anything up here....and it's probably been over two weeks since I took a single photo !!

And there lies the takes time !  

I'm having a rant now...well, I did say that this blog would document the highs and lows !

I wish I was one of these photographers who had time every day to go out and about and take pics...but the drudgery of work and other chores get in the way.  


I'm not really the type of photographer that will just take any old photo and snap away...I like to think about stuff first...I like to be creative.

I am going to try and put a few photo's up onto my Flickr site :

These are from a few weeks ago...there are still lots to process and I have a tiny bit of time to look at a few today - yay !!! 

Please have a look...if you have time ...heh heh