Monday, 21 October 2013

An experimental day with the Fuji Instax

Hello everyone

I promised you some Fuji Instax pics on my last post and a few weeks ago I went out with a friend from Consett Photographic Society and we had an "experimental" day with the Fuji.

We started off at the Quayside and then walked to Ouseburn - a great place for old graffiti and fly-tipping !

Here are some pics from the day :

This is my favourite of the day 

If you go down to the Quayside, there are these outdoor fitness machines.  Great after a few pints !

Superb poster - very dada !

My attempt at motion blur with the Fuji !

My first attempt at scoring - a lot harder than it looks !

Love the bleached out effect of this building 

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Fuji Instax practice !!

Hi Folks

I can't believe how long it's been since I have last posted something. 

Not to worry though, I am going out with a friend from Consett Photographic Society on Monday and we will be playing with our Fuji Instax cameras.

Here's a pic of my Instax below :

Hopefully, I will be posting something soon - watch this space :)
