Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Fairground and Fuji Instax

Hello All

Yesterday I went to Marsden Beach with a couple of friends from Consett Photographic Society.  Whilst they were busy taking photos, I played about with my new toy - a Fuji Instax !

This is an instant  film camera - wide format.  The Kodak Polaroids are very similar. Apparently  the Kodak Polaroids develop quite quickly, but the Fuji Instax takes a while.  Once I took a photo, I had to wait about 10 minutes for it to totally dry and develop.

Having said that, I didn't really mind.  It was a bit like magic, just watching the film develop before my eyes, and the colours getting deeper and deeper.

I have discovered that it works best when using it for longer doesn't seem to like close up work !  Here's one of my photos (which I have scanned in) :

We moved onto South Shields beach and into the fairground. 

I love photographing stuff in fairgrounds - you can get good people pictures, great candid shots and loads of pics where the colour really pops !  Here is a selection from the day :

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Horses and People

Hi All

Went to Appleby Horse Fair on Friday with a bunch of friends from Consett Photographic Society.  This was the very first time I had been to this event, and to be honest, the first time I had been near lots of horses !

It was a good day, a new experience for me.  It was something different for me and it was an very enjoyable day.  

The day was very hot and the market at the Fair was in full swing when we arrived.  It was an opportunity for me to try and practice people shots, I've been doing a lot more of these lately and it's getting easier for me.

There was such a great mix of people at the fair, and I even struck up courage to ask a few people if I could take their photo :

Walking around the market, I came across this van full of carpets and liked the shapes and colours.

I took a lot of sneaky candid's also...this was probably the first one of the day.

I managed to take a few photos of horses, but to be honest, there were so many other photographers there, I wanted to try and get a few that were a little different.

I am partial to taking photographs of people working in vans.  Don' know why, but I'm drawn to them. This lady looked absolutely knackered !

In complete contrast I spotted this young woman watching the horses !

There will be more Appleby Horse Fair pics when I get a chance.  Check out my Flickr page to see more soon.