Yesterday I went to Marsden Beach with a couple of friends from Consett Photographic Society. Whilst they were busy taking photos, I played about with my new toy - a Fuji Instax !
This is an instant film camera - wide format. The Kodak Polaroids are very similar. Apparently the Kodak Polaroids develop quite quickly, but the Fuji Instax takes a while. Once I took a photo, I had to wait about 10 minutes for it to totally dry and develop.
Having said that, I didn't really mind. It was a bit like magic, just watching the film develop before my eyes, and the colours getting deeper and deeper.
I have discovered that it works best when using it for longer doesn't seem to like close up work ! Here's one of my photos (which I have scanned in) :
We moved onto South Shields beach and into the fairground.
I love photographing stuff in fairgrounds - you can get good people pictures, great candid shots and loads of pics where the colour really pops ! Here is a selection from the day :